
"Preservation of the Natural Monument "Siberian Larch" in the City of Voronezh"

Ershov, Bogdan Anatolyevich


In recent decades, man-made pollution of the natural environment has covered large areas located near the industrial centers of Russian cities. In industrial cities, with the continuous increase in the scale of pollution, technogenic transformation of green spaces has become widespread. It is known that coniferous trees are most susceptible to toxicants, and, first of all, representatives of the Pinaceae family, which shrinkage and death occurs especially strongly in industrially developed regions. This critical situation explains the considerable interest shown in studying the impact of industrial emissions on representatives of various types of coniferous trees, in particular Siberian larch.

Keywords: wood, environment, man, industry, nature.

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Ershov, Bogdan Anatolyevich "Preservation of the Natural Monument "Siberian Larch" in the City of Voronezh" Agrarian History, Number 1, 2020 P. 2 - 7.