
"The Use of the Adayev Horse in Agriculture of Kazakhstan"

Dorokhin, Vitaliy Alexandrovich


The article examines the Adaevskaya horse (now more than 34 thousand heads), bred in Kazakhstan on the vast territory of the Aralokaspian desert. It became widespread in the current administrative boundaries of the Mangistau and Atyrau regions, occupying more than 30 million hectares of pastures. The Adayev horse comes from the Adayev tribe of Kazakhs who roamed the Aral-Caspian lowland. In the harsh conditions of the Mangistau Peninsula and the Ustyurt desert plateau, it cannot be replaced by any other animal. In this regard, the problem of the development of productive horse breeding in the region, its rational use had not only significant economic, but also social significance, since more than 90 of food products were imported from outside. In addition, there was an acute shortage of kumis and horse meat. Typological research has been carried out in Kazakhstan for a long time. As a rule, the object of research was the Kazakh horse with its numerous species and offspring. At the beginning of the last century, breeders faced completely different tasks - the production of a working and army horse. Here, the main attention was paid to the crossing of local mares, well adapted to herd keeping, with stallions of factory breeds - purebred, Don, heavy draft, as well as Arab and Akhal-Teke.

Keywords: horse, earth, man, nature, food.

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Dorokhin, Vitaliy Alexandrovich "The Use of the Adayev Horse in Agriculture of Kazakhstan" Agrarian History, Number 1, 2020 P. 8 - 13.