At the end of the 19th century, the Russian system of penitentiary institutions for juvenile offenders began to take shape. The Main Prison Administration of the Russian Empire paid special attention to the formation of organizations where juvenile criminals were taught the skills of agronomy and crafts. One of these institutions was the Tula school of truck farming and gardening. In 1893, a statutory document of the above-mentioned penitentiary institution for juvenile criminals was adopted, which determined the main directions of its activities. As conceived by the founders of the school of gardening and horticulture, its pupils were trained in practical and theoretical disciplines, which could be useful to them after being released from a correctional institution for juvenile delinquents. One of the main problems faced by the Main Prison Administration of the Russian Empire was the recruitment of staff to ensure the daily life and education of juvenile delinquents. Thanks to the competently drafted statutory documents of the penitentiary, in the process of re-education of adolescents, it was possible to find an acceptable balance between schoolwork and training in gardening and truck farming skills.
Keywords: school, Tula, main prison administration, juvenile criminals, Russian Empire, gardening, truck farming.
Liventsev, Dmitry Vyacheslavovich "The Formation of the Tula Correctional Shelter for Gardening and Gardening for Minors at the End of the XIX Century" Agrarian History, Number 1, 2020 P. 21 - 26.