
"Comparative Analysis of Anthropogenic Impact on the Environment in Modern Russia"

Vasyagina, Tatyana Nikolaevna, Osipova, Natalia Viktorovna


This article discusses the main trends in the historical development of Russia in the field of environmental protection. Changes in the socio-economic policy of Russia in the field of environmental protection are shown. The authors pay attention, first of all, to the most rational use of natural resources, as well as to the problems associated with the state of the ecological situation in industrial cities, where environmental risks are highest due to the imperfection of the applied technological methods, equipment wear and low efficiency of treatment facilities. Based on the materials presented in this article, a number of recommendations are given to improve the system of environmental and social measures aimed at improving the health of the population.

Keywords: ecology, man, society, state, industry.

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Vasyagina, Tatyana Nikolaevna, Osipova, Natalia Viktorovna "Comparative Analysis of Anthropogenic Impact on the Environment in Modern Russia" Agrarian History, Number 10, 2022 P. 63 - 69. doi: 10.52270/27132447_2022_10_63