
"The Historical Stability of the Settlements of the Belgorod Trait (Based on Materials from the Kozlovsky Countie)"

Kanishchev, Valery Vladimirovich


The article examines the historical fate of more than 80 settlements that arose in the XVII-th century in the eastern section of the Belgorod line in the territory of the then Kozlovsky district. The author came to the conclusion that almost all of these settlements have survived to this day as independent or as parts of other settlements. As a result of the study, it is stated that at the beginning of the XXI century these settlements for the most part have shown a high degree of historical stability, have grown in population size, play an important role as administrative, economic, and cultural local centers, are strong nodes of the rural settlement network of several districts of the Tambov, Lipetsk and Ryazan regions.

Keywords: Belgorod line, Kozlovsky district of the 17th century, rural settlements, sustainable development.

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Kanishchev, Valery Vladimirovich "The Historical Stability of the Settlements of the Belgorod Trait (Based on Materials from the Kozlovsky Countie)" Agrarian History, Number 6, 2021 P. 3 - 7. doi: 10.52270/27132447_2021_6_3