
"General and Special Features of Agriculture in Ancient Greece"

Ashmarov, Igor Anatolevich


The article discusses the agricultural system in Ancient Greece. Ancient Greece gave the world a new experience in agriculture and food culture. The bulk of the population was engaged in agricultural labor and earned a living for themselves and using the labor of slaves. A full-fledged land plot was a land of several hectares up to 5-6 hectares in Attica, up to 10-18 hectares in Sparta. Due to the relief, soil characteristics and weather conditions, the main cultivated crops among the ancient Greeks were olive, grapes, and barley. This was the well-known "Mediterranean triad", which distinguishes the area of residence of the population along the Mediterranean coast. In accordance with the crops grown, the diet of the ancient Greeks was built. In general, the diet of the ancient Greeks included beans, bread, cheese, olives, and fruits. The population rarely ate fish and meat. Recent studies have made it possible to assess the nutrition of the ancient Greeks in the following proportions, namely: 65-70% of the calories received were from bread, 20-25% for fruits and vegetables, and only 5-15% for butter, meat and wine.

Keywords: Ancient Greece, agriculture, crops, Mediterranean cuisine.

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Ashmarov, Igor Anatolevich "General and Special Features of Agriculture in Ancient Greece" Agrarian History, Number 6, 2021 P. 16 - 26. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4870624