
"Dynamics of Peasant Farms in the Context of the New Economic Policy"

Bakhtin, Victor Viktorovich


The article examines the social differentiation of the peasantry in the 1920s on the basis of archival and published sources. The emphasis is on the characteristics of the higher groups of the NEP village, which belonged to the Kulak-type farms. Land as a factor of production in the conditions of the NEP (state monopoly on land) was not the main criterion for the growth of welfare. The well-to-do peasantry acquired complex agricultural equipment, opened industrial enterprises, that is, invested their capital in the production sphere. The peasantry, with the help of rent, sought to expand the acreage for the further development of their economy. The criteria for classifying peasant farms as poor, middle-class, well-to-do, kulaks were not clearly defined. In 1926, an attempt was made to take into account the differences more clearly with the breakdown of peasant farms into 18 groups. In the 1920s, the desire of the peasantry to farm and village land use was revived. The process of allocating farms was actively underway in the south of the Voronezh Region, where there were territories of free land.

Keywords: new economic policy, social stratification, agriculture, farmstead, Central Chernozem region.

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Bakhtin, Victor Viktorovich "Dynamics of Peasant Farms in the Context of the New Economic Policy" Agrarian History, Number 7, 2021 P. 3 - 11. doi: 10.52270/27132447_2021_7_3