
"The Use of Handicraft Labor of Prisoners During the First World War (1914-1917)"

Volsky, Mikhail Valentinovich


In the history of the penitentiary system in Russia during the early twentieth century, the use of prison labor was of great importance. The government paid close attention to this issue, since the cheap labor of convicts was widely used in various spheres of the countrys economy. A striking example of the use of the labor of convicts for the good of the Fatherland was the period of the First World War, when all the forces and means of the state were aimed at ensuring victory over the enemy. The article is devoted to the study of the problems of the relationship between the penal system and the military economy in 1914-1917. As the research shows, the labor of prisoners was successfully used in various spheres of the economy - in the countryside, in industry, in transport, the prisoners worked, providing the front with various products - from ammunition and weapons to medical bandages and provisions, depending on the territorial affiliation of a particular place conclusions. The analyzed historical period of the work of prisoners for the needs of the countrys defense may well be extrapolated to the present.

Keywords: General Prison Administration, prisoner, warden, crime, punishment, prison, Russian Empire.

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Volsky, Mikhail Valentinovich "The Use of Handicraft Labor of Prisoners During the First World War (1914-1917)" Agrarian History, Number 7, 2021 P. 12 - 19. doi: 10.52270/27132447_2021_7_12