
"Some Features of Agriculture in Ancient Rome"

Ashmarov, Igor Anatolevich


The article examines the historical and economic processes that characterize the features of the development of agriculture in ancient Rome. Several main ideas are put forward by the author. First, agriculture in ancient Rome acted as the most important social model for providing employment to the civilian population, from which it was distracted only during military operations. Secondly, in the ancient Roman economy there were the main branches of agriculture that corresponded to the Mediterranean triad, that is, the production of grain crops, olive growing and viticulture and related winemaking. The author examines the varieties of ancient Roman agricultural farms on the example of Roman farms, villas and latifundia, which have fundamental differences from each other in terms of the scale of the economy, the nature of the labor used and the target orientation towards the market and the consumer. The most salable and market-oriented and urban consumer-oriented institutional forms of agriculture were Roman villas. The author highlighted the main features of ancient Rome in the agrarian sphere, made generalizations on the evolution of agriculture in ancient Rome.

Keywords: Ancient Rome, the economy of Ancient Rome, agriculture, branches of agriculture, varieties of ancient Roman agricultural farms, farmer, and agrarian.

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Ashmarov, Igor Anatolevich "Some Features of Agriculture in Ancient Rome" Agrarian History, Number 7, 2021 P. 20 - 29. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5515195