
"Sex-Age Division of Labor in the Economy of the Peoples of Dagestan in the XIX - Beginning of XX centuries (Ethnoecological Aspect)"

Ramazanova, Zoya Butaevna


The article is devoted to the study of the gender and age division of labor as one of the components of the economic development of the population of Dagestan. When writing the article, the author mainly used field and visual ethnographic material collected by the author in rural areas of this region. The author attempts to identify the basic principles of gender and age division of labor in accordance with zonal ethnoecological features. The relevance of this problem is determined by the recent interest in the role that environmental factors play in the course of their evolution. In addition, the focus of ethnic ecology in the modern world is taking into account the characteristics of a person as a socio-biological being, as well as the great importance of his economic activity for the surrounding nature.

Keywords: ethnoecology Dagestan, economic activity, labor education, nature, man, ecosystem.

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Ramazanova, Zoya Butaevna "Sex-Age Division of Labor in the Economy of the Peoples of Dagestan in the XIX - Beginning of XX centuries (Ethnoecological Aspect)" Agrarian History, Number 8, 2021 P. 115 - 123. doi: 10.52270/27132447_2021_8_115