The article studies the turnover of noble landholdings in European Russia and, in particular, in the Central Industrial and Central Chernozem Regions for the period from 1863 to 1892. This period was divided into three parts, in which the development of sales of noble land holdings occurred in different ways. This made it possible to determine the stages of development of the market of noble landholdings. By comparing the volumes of lands sold and purchased by nobles, the processes of intra-verbal redistribution of noble land ownership are considered. The comparative analysis made it possible to identify general patterns and regional features of the development of the land market.
Keywords: land market, turnover, nobles, land, value, tithe.
Gromova, Victoria Valentinovna "Development of the Trade Turnover of Noble Land Holdings in the Central Industrial and Central Chernozem Regions in the 60-90s of the XIX Century" Agrarian History, Number 10, 2022 P. 27 - 42. doi: 10.52270/27132447_2022_10_27